Accompanying activist Nardjes with his camera, Karim A?nouz documents the youth culture, which is confidently taking to the streets for a democratic future in Algeria, whose independence their parents and grandparents have already fought.
喜欢写诗的艾普尔(米歇尔·齐乌迪斯 Michelle Ziudith 饰)遇到了 Senandika(礼萨·拉哈迪安 Reza Rahadian 饰),一位成功地以其哲学和原则吸引注意力的音乐家。April 看到 Sena 的潜力,将他介绍给 Sanya,一位年轻的制作人,也是她最好的朋友。冲突始于 April 和 Sena 彼此相爱,但被 April 的父亲 Halim(Bambang Paningron 饰)阻止。Halim 派 April 去伦敦,让她远离 Sena。April 将 Sena 托付给三亚。她希望塞娜的成功能够融化她的父亲,让他认可她和塞娜的关系。多年后,April 回到印度尼西亚,见证了 Sena 取得的成功。不幸的是,April、Sena 和 Sanya 之间的误会,让 April 心中生出疑惑。@优质资源库
加斯荷伯(布鲁诺·斯列斯坦 Bruno S. 饰)从小生活在不见天日的地下室里,仅靠稀少的水源和面包维持生命,直到数十年后,早已成年的他才被带离地下室,第一次亲眼看到了外面的大千世界。可是,噩梦并没有结束,他只不过是从一个地狱跌落到了另一个。在人们的眼中,加斯荷伯并非一个有血有肉的人类,只是一个可供研究和玩乐的部件罢了。刚开始,人们对加斯荷伯充满了好奇,并且,这些好奇里包含了某些恶意。渐渐地,对这个无趣而可怜的物体,大家都失去了兴趣,加斯荷伯被送进了马戏团。几经波折之后,被一名学者收留的加斯荷伯终于过上了平静安全的生活,学者教会了他读写,为他打开了了解世界的另一扇大门。没想到,加斯荷伯对于文明和文化有着异常敏锐和深刻的见解,面对他尖锐直白的语言,被戳到痛处的人类愤怒了。
Peter Tchaikovsky created some of the most romantic and beloved music ever. Surely he must have a man sensitivities for above human passions and pitfalls. Not so, says Ken Russell (Women in Love, Crimes of Passion), director of the lavish Tchaikovsky bio-pic The Music Lovers. Declaring that he was “fed up with the reverential treatment of musical heroes,” Russell sold his film ...
Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocrats, involved in a toxic affair he knows he needs to end, and all but supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife’s wealthy new husband, Rebus begins to wonder if he still has a role to play – either as a family man or a police officer.
In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot finally fails, Justine is sent to jail and Darley decides to return to England. - Written by Guy Bellinger (From IMDb)
汤姆琼斯(阿尔伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney 饰)本为私生子,后被一绅士收养,他天性热情奔放,模样又生得风流俊朗,庄园主的女儿索菲亚(苏珊娜·约克 Susannah York 饰)同他坠入情网,后遭到表弟比菲尔(大卫·沃纳 David Warner 饰)的插足干涉,一番纠葛之后,声名狼藉的汤姆琼斯决定离开家乡,去外面的世界寻找属于自己的天地。 汤姆离开后没多久,伤心的索菲亚便也踏上了旅途,两人在缘分的驱使之下在一名女商贩的家中重逢了。之后,比菲尔亦来到了伦敦,想要报复汤姆。在比菲尔的阴谋筹划之下,汤姆被送上了绞刑架,就在即将行刑的生死攸关的时刻,索菲亚的父亲及时赶到,破解了比菲尔的阴谋,挽救了汤姆的性命。