根据美国西部顶尖赛马手弗兰克·霍普金斯(Frank T. Hopkins)的真实经历改编而成,是一部充满着动作冒险与个人救赎的史诗巨作。 数个世纪以来每年举办的“火的海洋”(Ocean of Fire)是一项极其艰苦的耐力赛马竞技,3 000英里的征程即使在平素地域尚且困难重重,何况选择了酷热郁闷而冷酷无情的阿拉伯沙漠,而且参赛赛马必须是由阿拉伯世界中最纯种、最高贵,由最尊贵的皇室家族拥有的赛马组成,但在公元1890年,这一根深蒂固的世俗被彻底的击碎了。 美国人弗兰克·霍普金斯(维果·莫天森饰)曾经是美国骑兵部队一名骁勇善战骑术高绝的骑士。国际知名人士的声望除了弗兰克凭借自身不懈努力以外,得力坐骑“海德尔格”(Hidalgo)的鼎立辅助同样是功不可没。如是背景下的1890年,弗兰克首次受邀带着“海德尔格”共同参加这项悲壮的沙漠耐力竞技,一人一马要面对...
In Ispahan, Persia, Hajji Baba is leaving his father's shop to seek a greater fortune, while the Princess Fawzia is trying to talk her father, the Caliph into giving her in marriage to Nur-El-Din, a rival prince known far and wide as mean and fickle. Her father intends Fawzia for Fawzia to marry a friend and ally, and makes plans to send her to him. But a courier brings word from Nur-El-Din that an escort awaits Fawzia on the outskirts of the city and she escapes the palace disguised as a boy. Hajji encounters the escort-warrior at the rendezvous spot, is attacked and beats up the escort with his barber's tools. The princess arrives and mistakes Hajji as the escort until he mistakes the emerald ring sent by Nur-El-Din to Fawzia as the prize to be delivered. In her efforts to escape him, her turban becomes unbound and Hajji realizes that the girl herself is the treasure Nur-El-Din awaits. Hajji promises to escort her and they spend the night with the caravan of Osman Aga, who invites them to stay for the dancing girls, among them, the incomparable Ayesha. The pair are overtaken by the Caliph's guards sent to bring Fawzia back, but the guards are driven off by an invading army of Turcoman women, a band of fierce and beautiful women who prey on passing merchants.
An ex-military man with a mysterious past leads a group of Egyptian refugees through the desert and must protect them from a group of evil mercenaries.