别名:Tummien perhosten koti / The Home of Dark Butterflies[网友传是属于少年青春期片片]主人公是个名叫朱汉尼(Juhani)的十三岁孤儿,因为个性顽劣不羁而且屡教不改,在连续换了许多个家庭仍然不适应之后,终于被政府勒令送到了一个远离尘嚣的问题少年管教所寄宿,一个叫做;男孩之家;的小岛,直到其改邪归正为止。这个位于孤岛上的问题少年管教所,寄宿的都是一些行为偏激的男孩。朱汉尼刚进管教所的第一天,就被其他的宿友教训了一番。院长对他的态度也颇不友善,但是经过相处,朱汉尼发现这些并不是想象的那么讨厌,并开始融入新的生活环境。最终当管教所失去政府的资助面临倒闭时,所有的人竟然选择主动留下来,团结一致用养桑蚕来做生意,自给自足维持这个属于他们的家。 故事中段,院长夫人(Irene)与Salmi毫无先兆地发生关係,将电影重新带到片初灰暗且带点惊悚的调子。毫无疑问,这段婚外情对揭示Juhani 縈怀在心多年的梦魘、以及其身份认同问题起了关键作用;然而,这条支线纯粹为主剧情服务,无法对故事命题作出呼应之餘,反倒打岔了话题──对於两人的处境,究竟我们应该施予同情还是鞭挞?直至片末,仍没得到完满答覆。
Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..
Master director Joel Lamangan tells the story of Eunice aka Moonlight Butterfly, the hottest GRO in Angeles, Pampanga and the three men in her life. She soon learns to play the game of lust and love in order to survive and provide for her family.