A businessman mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only an old grist mill. Forced to work as a beast of burden, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child.
罗兰(卡琳娜·隆巴德 Karina Lombard 饰)和丈夫杜瑞德都是考古学家,对埃及的文化和历史有着极其浓厚的兴趣。某日,两人在尼罗河畔捡到了一个小小的婴儿,善良的夫妻两人决定收养这个可怜的孩子,他们给他取名哈比(杰夫·法赫 Jeff Fahey 饰)。
之后,夫妻两人又发现了埃及艳后的奴仆泰塔(阿特·马里克 Art Malik 饰)的坟墓,在坟墓里保存着七枚古老的卷轴,而其中第七枚记载着法老墓遗址的卷轴则被撕成了碎片。正当夫妻两人致力于复原卷轴之时,文物大盗格兰特(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)出现抢走了卷轴并且杀死了格兰特。悲痛的罗兰带着年幼的哈比,决心依靠自己的力量完成丈夫的梦想。
The Jesuit is the alias of a man who was wrongly accused and became imprisoned. When The Jesuit discovers that his wife has been murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he elaborates a complex and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the death of his deceased wife.