To help Prince Alex, who is currently trapped in the body of a mouse, become a human again, Ella and her friends set off on a journey to unlock the magic that can change him back… even though in changing fate, they may test their own. In the end, they find that friendship is the most powerful cure, in even the most difficult times.
Zaia Enterprise CEO Lyon Arkland seeks to weaponize all Humagears by transforming them into his mechanical soldiers known as "Soldos". For the sake of Humagear free will, will not allow this to
Two Viking Gods and sworn enemies fall through a ripple in space time and find themselves in the present day world. Only a young girl, unaware if her powers can find the portal and bring them back.
《超级机器人大战·原创世纪》的背景是新西历,人类正式开始进出宇宙2世纪,但因为2次大型陨石的坠下,人们的生活还是维持在21世纪初。到了新西历179年,第3颗陨石“流星3(メテオ3)”坠落于南太平洋的マーケサズ群岛海面。地球连邦政府经过调查,发现是由人类未知的技术制造的物体,这种地球以外的技术被称为EOT(Extra over technology)。地球连邦政府组成了“EOT特别审议会”和“EOTI机关”进行调查。然后EOTI机关的代表比安博士发表了研究结果,表示地球有被宇宙以外的生命体侵略的危机。从此,人型机动兵器:Personal Trooper的研究开始了。
Pete, a handsome businessman was ordered by his grandmother to go look for her missing heir. Due to an inevitable circumstance, Pete was forced to hire a kid to pretend to be his grandmother’s lost grandson. Chaos over this scheme then began…